The label commands explained in section ??[basics.labels] place the
label text near the center of the arrow. This, however, may be
changed by inserting a "??w![place]" between the ??c![^], ??c![_], or
??c![|], and the actual label. In general you may insert the
- ??c![<] will place the label at the point where the actual arrow
begins, , `appears from under' the base, so
will typeset .
- Similarly, ??c![>] will place the label at the point where the actual
arrow ends, , `disappears below' the target, so
will typeset .
- ??c![«] and ??c![»] will place the following label at a point just
a bit3 further from the beginning and end of the arrow, so
will typeset . Using more |<|s will move the
label further in.
- More |<|s and |>|s may be given to make this distance larger:
will typeset .
- A factor in ??c![()]s: |(| a|)| indicates that the label should be
`tied' to the point a of the way from the center of the base entry
(called ??c![(0)]) to the center of the target (called ??c![(1)])
instead of in the middle, so
will typeset .
- A factor can be given "after" some |<| or |>|s: in that case the
place is computed as if the base was the place specified by the |<|s
and the target the place specified by the |>|s:
will typeset .
- Finally, a ??c![-] means the same as |<>(.5)|, , place at the
"middle of the arrow" rather than the middle between the base and
target, so
was typeset by
It becomes
A×B×C×D ^+ &B
without |-| .